Aug 9, 2023Liked by Brian Clark

As one of those folks that have 65 in the rearview mirror but whose brain cells are still firing in synch, I especially appreciated this issue of Longevity Gains. I'm busier now than when I was officially employed. Many of my friends ask why I want to stay productive and not spend my remaining years with relaxing.

I define a good day as one when I learn something new. A great day is one when I both learn and teach.

I guess you might get a clue as to how that attitude informs my approach to business by simply reading the name I chose for my business. That name is Lifelong Learning, LLC.

I will have reached my primary goal in life if, on my last day here on earth, I can reflect on my years and decide that the world is a little bit better place because I was here. I intend to keep learning, growing, and sharing knowledge and skills until the day I die, Lord willing.

How about you?

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I love this comment, Barb. I especially like your statement, "I define a good day as one when I learn something new. A great day is one when I both learn and teach."

I feel the same, but I've never articulated the sentiment as well. I'd like to learn more about your business and what you do.

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May 29Liked by Brian Clark

Hi Barb! It's good to see you here in "Longevity Gains". I also like your chosen target market with "Lifelong Learning"! Best of success with it.

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Apr 2Liked by Brian Clark

Hi David! I apologize for not responding to your comment back in January. If you are still interested in discussing learning and teaching as a set, I’m game to do so.

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May 29Liked by Brian Clark

79 years of age and still active as an entrepreneur, artist, author and aspiring copywriter.

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